Long Term Collective Solutions

We are in desperate need of a more equitable, human centered tech ecosystem. This can not happen until the culture around these technologies changes. This likely requires better laws and regulations. It also likely requires much more diversity in the groups, ideas and incentives propelling this technology. If you're in politics you should be working with organizations (like those listed bellow) to draft legislation. If you're in tech you should be educating yourself (see bellow) and joining or organizing efforts within your institutions to ensure you're on the right side of history (For example, AI researcher Margaret Mitchell started the Ethical Artificial Intelligence team in Google's Research & Machine Intelligence group to do just that).

If you're not a law maker or tech industry employee, you are still a netizen and there's lots you can do to help address these issues. The challenge might seem vast and complex, but the direction is clear: better digital literacy, we have little agency without it. The key to improving our digital ecology is understanding how it all works and why it works the way it does. Surveillance capitalists have been successful, in part, by intentionally obscuring how they operate. The better our collective digital literacy the greater our chances. We need to normalize privacy and security. We need to demand user owned and controlled data. Governments need to prioritize user rights over corporate interests. We need to build consumer demand for products and platforms that reflect these values. So what can you start doing about it?

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